On January 22, 2025, the Thronateeska Kinchafoonee Tribe entered a Treaty with the United American Tribal Embassy and other sovereign tribes. This treaty acknowledges the shared commitment to sovereignty, cultural preservation, and sustainable development. The Parties aim to strengthen intertribal cooperation, address common challenges, promote shared prosperity, and uphold the rights of Native nations.
Furthermore, the Thronateeska Kinchafoonee Tribe and the United American Tribal Embassy have entered an International Treaty for Indigenous Friendship, Sovereignty, and Trade. This treaty formalizes cooperation in economic development, trade partnerships, and the mutual recognition of Indigenous sovereignty on a global scale, reinforcing economic self-sufficiency and international tribal relations.
These agreements collectively strengthen diplomatic ties, promote cultural and economic collaboration, and uphold the collective rights and sovereignty of Indigenous nations. On January 22, 2025, the Thronateeska Kinchafoonee Tribe entered an Autonomous Treaty with the United American Tribal Embassy (hereafter referred to as "the Embassy") and other sovereign tribes ("the Parties"). This treaty acknowledges the shared commitment to sovereignty, cultural preservation, and sustainable development. Through this alliance, the Parties aim to strengthen intertribal cooperation, address common challenges, promote shared prosperity, and uphold the rights of Native nations.